Website and Email Marketing Setup Package


Design and Functionality

Website domain configuration
Custom website design (i.e. colors, fonts, layout, graphics, etc.)
Custom header logo graphic
"Home" page – With a large, attractive stock image (or picture of you), a tagline about you and your ministry/organization, a short description about you and your message, and an option to buy the book
"About" page – Where people can read your bio and see your picture
"Book" purchase page – Which can include discounted bulk purchase options
"Articles" section – Where you can post new articles you've written and even sections of your book if you prefer
"Contact" page – Will include custom email contact form for people to reach out to you. Notifications will be sent to your email address.
Capability to have custom pages/tabs/categories
Social media icons to link your website visitors to your social media channels
Mobile responsive design (website will display optimally on mobile phones)
Discussion/commenting system (allows you to interact with your followers)
Keyword search system
E-commerce capability (i.e. Shopify purchase buttons for selling books, etc.)

Website Marketing Features

Social media integration with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, and/or YouTube (if applicable)
We will provide a video tutorial to demonstrate how to optimize your blogposts for search engines.
(Additional $75) - E-mail marketing system integrated with your website, which will enable people to opt-in to your e-mail list on your website
(Additional $75) - Google Analytics set up with your Google Account to track blog readership, website pageviews, and referral sources


Investment required = $1500 (plus domain name and $95 per year for data hosting and content management system access)
After the initial construction and launch of the website, occasional, minor content updates will be made to the website at no extra charge. Frequent and/or major updates to the website (e.g. new graphics) will be billed on a per-project basis at a rate of $75 per hour.